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'Ray of Light (Part Two)' 
Illuminate Exhibition - Royal William Yard

Royal William Yard has played host to a spectacular light show to mark the anniversary of the Mayflower sailing from Plymouth.


Illuminate- a light festival for Plymouth - took place for the first time at the historic yard after many years on the Barbican.

Hundreds of spectators watched open-mouthed as the event's first projection show of the evening began at 6.30pm with visually stunning animations displayed on a huge scale on the Melville building.


Illuminate is an annual event to commemorate the sailing of the Mayflower nearly 400 years ago.  There will be lots of other events happening in Plymouth over the next few years linking up to the Mayflower celebrations and I’ll try and visit as many as I can.

"Inside Ocean Studios was this Ray Of Light installation by Paige Alexander.  This was my favourite piece on display and it is made from ultraviolet string that glows different colours under ultraviolet light." - Kitty McEwan

My installation concerns wonder; and play. It was created using fluorescent threads that would glow and become vibrant when the UV lights were in place. Similar to my degree show but using different sources of light. 

From taking down my Installation after four days, I decided to allow my audience to help cut down the threads. This was amazing to watch and to give my viewers the experience to become a part of it. Watching this piece being deconstructed was an experience for me as well as them.

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