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Illuminate 2018
Illuminate is a spectacular light-based festival that connects all of the Mayflower 400 destinations across the UK and internationally. In 2017 Plymouth’s Illuminate celebrations saw parts of Royal William Yard turned into a spectacular display of light-based art installations and projections.
In 2018 Illuminate will grow; showcasing projections and light art installations from local, national and international artists to provide a vibrant, fun and inspiring experience for Plymouth’s citizens and visitors alike. Our ambition is to build this event year on year in the lead up to 2020 to become a signature event in Mayflower 400’s programme; and an annual large-scale light festival that will be a highlight in Plymouth’s event calendar.
Ray of light part two
My main motives for my Art are the wonders of colour, the visual language that is processed before we are consciously aware of it. I love to question the ability of colour and it’s impact on us. Colour allows me to focus on the ever-changing projections, colour is an element of visual language that is processed before we are consciously aware of it.
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